Mama Li.2na
In 2018 my maternal lola, known as Mama Lina to everyone in the family and beyond, asked me to take photos of her in traditional Philippine formalwear. Our portrait session took place at her daughter’s home in rural Maryland. She did six outfit changes trekking back and forth through the property, even switching her shoes and jewelry. When asked if she was tired she replied, “Tired is not in my vocabulary.” Never complaining when I asked her to walk deep into the backyard or stand in a bush, she got into modeling toward the end of our session.
Although these photos may feel luxe, Mama Lina did not come from wealth. She raised seven children on a farm in the Philippine countryside and after sending them all off to college, she emigrated to California with just $300 in cash tucked into her bra. She worked as teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District until she was 79 and forced into retirement by her kids. She has always been rich in spirit, poise, and generosity.

©Nicole Espina